Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why Data Recovery Solutions Are Vital to Your OperationVital

Data recovery is something no one wants to think about before the need for it smacks them in the face. Unfortunately for most businesses and organizations, by that time, it’s too late for DIY data recovery solutions and they have to turn to a professional data recovery specialist. If your organization depends on its computer files, it’s vital that you put some thought into data recovery solutions so that your entire workforce – even if it’s just you and your computer – knows what to do if the computer crashes or they accidentally delete an important file or database. If you’re not sure whether or not data is important to your operation, think about the way that you use the files on your network hard drives and your computer every day and then consider what it would cost you to have to work without them.

Accounting Records

Do you do your books in Quicken or any other accounting or bookkeeping program? These programs allow you to easily print out invoices, pull up reports about your customer base, generate profit and loss statements and other accounting tools, and manage your books from one easy interface. What happens if you suddenly can’t access your company’s books? How many days would it take your company to reconstruct those records from paper trails? Safeguarding those important files is vital to your business.

Letterheads, Templates and Company Boilerplates

Many small businesses save money on stationery by keeping their letterhead in a word processing template. Others use templates for grant applications, invoices, brochures and other important business tools. From one-pagers to business reports, most organizations keep hundreds of hours worth of work on their network hard drives. If that suddenly became inaccessible to you, how long would it take to put it all back together? Days? Weeks? How much time would it end up costing your business to lose all of the papers it relies on in its daily operation?

Those are only a few examples of the way companies rely on their computer files without even thinking about it. If your hard drive crashed today, could you run your business effectively?

Unfortunately, when something goes wrong, most people panic and attempt to recover the data themselves. All too often, their efforts end up making the files even more inaccessible. Every one of your employees needs to know the steps to take if something goes wrong, or you risk them taking steps that will make it impossible for even a professional data recovery company to bring them back.

If you have a data emergency, contact a professional data recovery company for advice on the best way to proceed. They’ll be able to advise you on safe steps you can attempt on your own and let you know if you need professional help to retrieve your lost or inaccessible files.

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